Hello my friends. A while back, shortly after the theatrical release of Episode I: The Phantom Menace,
I became inspired to learn as much about the Jedi and their way of life as possible. So, I began
talking with some people in chat rooms and via e-mail about my ideas. Before I knew it, there were
quite a few people interested in helping to make my ideas a reality. However, the new school year
has started and I soon lost touch with many who expressed an interest. Now, only a small number of us
remain. Regardless, I still hold high ambitions for the potential of this organization. Which is what
led to the creation of this web site. I apologize if some of the web pages, particularly the main
page, do not download properly on your computer. The correct positioning of all the graphics requires
a larger size monitor. In any event, the purpose of this web site is merely to "spread the word"
about my ideas and hope that some good can come of them, as well as to educate people on the Jedi
and their way of life. I truly hope you enjoy this site. If you wish to contact me in regards to anything
concerning this organization, the e-mail is Jediwoman@hotmail.com. There is also a link at the bottom
of every page. May the Force be with you.

The Jedi of the Earth is an organization intended to honor the Jedi way of life. It is also a serious
attempt to introduce the Jedi customs onto this planet as much as possible in this reality, this
universe. The Jedi in the Star Wars universe live a life that promotes peace, justice, open-mindedness,
and patience, and does not welcome anger, fear, aggression, or hate. People may view their lives as a sort
of religion. I do not. I see it as more of a culture. Though I do believe they lead, not so much religious,
but spiritual lives having a great deal of faith in their feelings and their instincts.

In order to incorporate such a lifestyle into our own lives, much effort (not to mention imagination) is needed.
It seems virtually impossible to accomplish such a task, but even if only to influence people to live a
"Jedi" life is more than anyone could ever hope for. Exactly how the Jedi culture would be introduced
and incorporated onto this planet is as yet undecided. I have ideas, most of which would probably appeal
to a science fiction writer more than anyone. Still, I am serious about those ideas. Granted, MUCH work still
needs to be done. No one here is about to change the world or even the society in which we live, but to
change just a few lives and turn them toward better direction is quite possibly one of the most difficult and
rewarding achievements any one can make. And such is my intention. I wish to live as a Jedi. But this goes
beyond and martial arts or sword fighting that can be taught. It involves a serious mind and hard work.
To live as a Jedi is to live without any anger, hate or fear. It is to live with patience, peace, and justice.
Needless to say, "It will be a hard life" - Qui-Gon Jinn

The 411 on us | The Jedi | The Force |The Weapon
The Test | The Trials | The Code | The Training
The Inspirations | The Members | The Links | The Meeting Place
The Main Page

If you are interested in joining this organization or
would like some more information, contact us.