A Jedi Knight is one who uses his/her feelings to seek out peace and justice in the world without any
means of aggression, violence, or power. In the Star Wars Universe, the Jedi are guardians of peace
and justice in the galaxy, using the force to guide them, and often serve as ambassadors/mediators
to various other home worlds. In "this" universe, and "this" reality, a Jedi knight would serve a
slightly different purpose. There isn't an entire galaxy to protect, nor is there a force that exists
in the way it is depicted in the stories. However, what does exist here is a world fraught with turmoil,
hate, and death, and filled with the need for a balance and harmony. Lonliness and emptiness dominate
in places which seem most populated. It is a small world, really. Seemingly insignificant when viewed
from the outer reaches of space as we drift helplessly about our sun, unprotected and alone.

But as we drift, we are guided by many forces. None of which we can see, yet we know are there.
Everything in "this" universe is guided by many forces, including our lives. A Jedi understands this
relationship both on the physical and emotional level. Their beliefs are more philosophical than anything.
Still, no matter what the consequence or sacrafice, the Jedi are a people who set out for the sole purpose
to do good and better the world. "A Jedi must hold the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." - Yoda

This section has been divided into the following categories for convenience and easier reading. It is,
however, strongly recommended that they are read in the order listed:

Star Wars Vs. Reality Light Jedi
A Brief History Dark Jedi
It's In Your Blood Shadow Jedi

The 411 on us | The Jedi | The Force |The Weapon
The Test | The Trials | The Code | The Training
The Inspirations | The Members | The Links | The Meeting Place
The Main Page

If you are interested in joining this organization or
would like some more information, contact us.